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Green Fuel Solutions is commissioning its full-scale process module for the direct conversion

of solid biomass residues

into liquid Fossil Free Fuels®.

Green Fuel Solutions process will

·         Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels,

·         Reduce green house gasses,

·         higher National Security,

·         more independence from foreign Nations,

·         Eliminate our nasty habit of land filling resources. 

The US DOE reports that in 2006 the US land filled 140 million tons of residual biomass (total MSW including inorganic was 170 million tons). This 140 million ton biomass resource has the potential of becoming 13 billion gallons per year (BGPY) of Fossil Free Fuel®, and offsetting 7% (nearly one month’s worth) of our imported crude.

The US DOE office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy published a report in 2005 that estimated our sustainable residual biomass supply of 1.3 billion dry tons per year.

·         368 million dry tons (MDT) from forest products

·         998 MDT from agriculture

·         428 MDT from annual crop residues

·         377 MDT from perennial crops

·         87 MDT from grains used for biofuels

·         106 MDT of annual manures & miscellaneous residues

1.3 Billion Dry Tons (BDT)


Green Fuel Solutions catalytic depolymerization process can convert an annual supply of 1.0 BDT residual biomass into 90 billion gallons of sustainable, atmospheric carbon neutral, Fossil Free Fuel®.

This untapped renewable resource has the potential to


·         offset 45% of our current crude oil imports,

·         eliminating the greenhouse effect associated with 90 billion gallons of fossil fuels,

·          eliminate the methane produced by natural decay of forestry and agricultural residuals

·         does not include the 140 MDT of residual biomass that we landfill every year (13 BGPY).   

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The 100 TPD / 14,000 GPD Green Fuel Solutions Module:


150 TPD of tipped MSW

• Daily resource from every 60,000 US citizens

• Wet basis, includes metals, glass etc

• Will yield 100 TPD of dry biomass feedstock

14,000 GPD Fossil Free Fuel®

• 3,300 GPD #4 Fuel Oil, ASTM D396

•7,200 GPD #2 Diesel Fuel, ASTM D975

• 2,500 GPD Kerosene

• 1,000 GPD Naphtha (Consumed by process)

24 MW-hr Surplus Electricity

• Integral combustion turbine generator

• Consumes process off gas, rich in CO

• Consumes internally generated Naphtha


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The Benefits

1. 103 BGPY Fossil Free Fuels® from identified residuals

2. Reduced reliance on foreign oil (50%)

3. 200,000 high paying jobs across the country, distributed renewable fuel production from 2,500 facilities

4. Reduction of Green House gasses

(CO2 from fossil fuels, methane from the decay of residuals)

5.  Closed loop grade carbon cycle

 (no net increase in CO2)

6.  Energy self sufficient, each facility will export electricity

7. Eliminate our nasty habit of land-filling routine daily residue



Phone: +1 888 297 2190

Fax: +1-888-522-7271


1916 Pike Place, Suite 12 #1367

Seattle, Washington 98101

United States of America


200 Hammonton Place

Silver Springs, Maryland 20904

United States of America


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