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Green Fuel Solutions LLc
"Waste to Fuel A Future for our World"
The Idea behind
Green Power Inc's
Catalytic Depolymerisation Plant
Specialty Waste Conversion System
At Green Fuel Solutions LLc, we hold ourselves to the highest standards with the services we offer, and in every aspect of the work we do. Our workforce is highly trained and qualified to meet all your needs, dedicated to offering diverse and specialized services tailored to our client’s unique preferences and situation. Take a look at some of the services we offer below.

A new technology of global importance now offering unrivaled potential for energy recycling, waste management and optimized environmental protection is about to break through:
New crystalline catalysts combined with a highly innovative process technology now allow the competitive production of synthetic oil products directly from residual and biologically regenerating raw materials!
The future way of economical production of high quality synthetic Diesel fuel:
• After years of intensive catalyst and process research the breakthrough of reproducing the natural way of fossil oil production within a process duration turned down from hundreds of millions of years to now only seconds and up to 3 (three) minutes has finally become reality!
• This causes the synthetic Diesel fuel "NanoDiesel™" produced by this method to be fully competitive.
• With most of the input materials the quality of the synthetic fuel produced by this new ground breaking method is even higher than that of regular Diesel fuel available at gas stations.
• Cost per Gallon of Diesel produced is anywhere in the World only between 0,52 & 0,85 US$ without Government subsidies.
• Elimination of almost all environmental pollution through inorganic transformation of harmful substances into salts and crystals, based on the ion changing characteristics of the GP-Cat, our proprietary Catalyst.
• For the first time this method now allows active environmental protection as well as optimized energy production from industrial residuals, waste and biologically regenerating raw materials in perfect combination and free of any conflicts.
• Environmental protection as future leading sources of energy and job production
• Elimination of the needs for new and existing Landfill's and its Toxic Emissions through this process
• Higher National Independence and Higher National Security
• Existing Resource "Garbage" used to fulfill our Fuel and Energy demands.

How it Works
Green Power’s process is based on a simple single step process known as catalytic cracking / depolymerization. The residual biomass is fed through nitrogen purged airlocks into a hot oil reaction vessel. This hot oil is vigorously agitated and recirculated through a proprietary tube and shell heat exchanger before spraying back into the headspace of the reaction vessel.
The working oil contains:
· base oil
· zeolite catalyst, 10 wt%
· lime to neutralize acidic materials, 1 wt%
· tramp iron, glass and ash from the feedstock
The working oil recirculation spray wets the feedstock as it drops onto the upper liquid surface of the reaction vessel. Within a few seconds the agitator folds the feedstock into the 6,000 gallons of working fluid ensuring an even dosing. The feedstock is rapidly heated up in this working oil bath and when it reaches approximately 600 F, the catalyst does its job. Molecularly bound oxygen is combined with excess carbon yielding a producer’s gas rich in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The balance of the hydrocarbon material is broken into a blend of condensable hydrocarbon molecules.
The producer’s gas and product fuel fumes are released into the head space of the reaction vessel and are vented to the distillation column. Green Power designed a conventional sieve tray distillation column with an integral reboiler for its 100 TPD modules.

Supply of Catalyst, Lime and other Input Materials
The plant requires catalyst "GP-Cat" and lime additives that are equal to approximately 1.0% of the total amount of input materials supplied to the plant. The catalyst, in the form of a mineral propellant-like substance a GREEN POWER INC product, is available in any required quantities.
The hydrated lime needed for the neutralization of dangerous by-products is to be used only with chlorine-fluorine materials, particularly with respect to PVC and PCB oils. Neither the catalyst nor neutralizer are chemically dangerous and can be handled easily.
Whatever the job, we’ve got your needs covered. Contact us now for a free estimate.